ASCOT is free of charge for not-for-profit use but a licence is required.
This is an automated process for the following tools: SCT4, INT4, ASCOT Carer tools, ASCOT SCT 4 Proxy tool, ASCOT-Easy Read for adults with intellectual disabilities and autism, ASCOT-Workforce. If you are not sure which tool you need, please look at our Resources page. If you have any other queries regarding a licence please email the ASCOT team.
To use one of these ASCOT tools for not-for-profit use, please complete Form 1 on this page .
The following uses of ASCOT require approval from the University of Kent.
- ASCOT tools which require training (CH4 and using ASCOT in care planning)
- The ‘control over daily life’ domain as part of the ICHOM Older Person Standard Set
- ASCOT translations not available from in-country ASCOT teams (check here: )
- Please note that to obtain a licence to use the German ASCOT you must complete the German ASCOT licence form available in German or in English
- Any questions regarding a licence for the German ASCOT, please contact
- If you are interested in obtaining a copy of the Finnish ASCOT translation or have any queries, please contact
- Requests to amend or adapt any ASCOT tool