CH4-HD care home four-level – health domains – mixed-methods tools

A suite of mixed-methods tools which generates current and expected SCRQoL based on observations and interviews for use in communal living settings. It can be used to measure the impact services have on service users’ outcomes (gain). This version of ASCOT contains all the SCRQoL domains from CH4, supplemented by three health items relating to the concepts of psychological health (anxiety and  low mood) and pain. These items can be added flexibly alongside ASCOT-CH4 (as a separate scale), with low mood and anxiety combined together and pain standing alone.

The CH4-HD tool can be used to measure the health and social care-related quality of life of care home residents, including those with cognitive impairment (e.g. living with dementia) and communication difficulties. The health items (pain, anxiety and low mood) are conceptually distinct to the original eight SCRQoL domains. A separate, equally-weighted score (not preference-weighted) can be calculated using the health domains.

Please note that training and a licence is required to use these ASCOT CH4-HD tools. If you require training, please email the ASCOT team who will then discuss training options with you.

View the preview-only CH4-HD tools below:

CH4-HD Care home resident interview schedule (CHINT4-HD Res):

CH4-HD Care home resident interview schedule

CH4-HD Care home family and staff interview schedule (CHINT4-HD FS):

CHINT4-HD Care home family and staff interview schedule

CH4-HD Care home resident qualitative interview schedule (CHINT4-HD Qual):

CHINT4-HD Qualitative interview

CH4- HD Care homes observation schedule (CHOBS4-HD):

CHOBS4-HD Observational Schedule

CH4-HD Resident interview show cards:

CHINT4-HD Resident Show cards


References: If you use this tool, please reference it in any publications from your project/research as described on our How to reference ASCOT page.

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