A suite of mixed-methods tools which generates current and expected SCRQoL based on observations and interviews for use in communal living settings. It can be used to measure the impact services have on service users’ outcomes (gain).
Only for use by trained users (Please note that you must be licensed to access and/or use the CH4 tools; licence is conditional on completion of a CH4 training course by the ASCOT team. If you would like to obtain a copy of this instrument, please complete our online form). It can be used to measure the outcomes of people with cognitive impairment (e.g. dementia) and communication difficulties. It can be preference-weighted.
View the preview-only CH4 tools below (Please note that training and a licence is required to use these ASCOT tools):
CH4 Ratings document:
CH4 Care home resident interview schedule (CHINT4 Resident):
CH4 Resident interview schedule
CH4 Care home family and staff interview schedule (CHINT4 FS):
CH4 Care home resident qualitative interview schedule (CHINT4-Qual):
CH4 Care homes observation schedule CHOBS4:
CH4 Ratings of current and expected SCRQoL by
domain (CH4):
CH4 Resident interview show cards:
CH4 resident interview show cards
Watch the short video below for more information about the CH4 instrument:
If you use this tool, please reference it in any publications from your project/research as described on our How to reference ASCOT page.